Help Gomeyaction for autism

Thursday, February 4, 2010

autism and vaccines, finally

Well, finally it hit the news with more force than in the past, because The Lancet retracted the publication.
There is no link between vaccines and autism, and there's certainly no causal relationship.

We already knew, because no one was able to replicatie the results of Wakefield.

From a statistical point of view 20 cases weren't enough to draw conclusions.

From a research design point of view one was unable to draw conclusions because the design was complete crap. (He studied children who were present at his son't birthday, and no random sample, or grouped design).

Ofcourse there are people who keep telling the world that Wakefield was right.

I'm sorry. When two events, in this case, when vaccines and autism, occur within the same person, that doesn't say anything at all about cause and effect.

These children were delivered in bed... maybe that's the cause? No. Yet, both occured too.

As a psychologist and mother of 4 autistic children I know how hard it is to accept that we don't know anything about the cause yet.
But that's the truth: there's no well established cause for autism discovered yet.


Ruth said...

I don't get why the medical/scientific community and anti-vaccine activists (Jenny McCarthy, etc) don't understand this....I mean, if vaccines caused Autism wouldn't every child who got the vaccines get it? Chelation therapy bothers me too, a while back there was a story here on the news about a little girl with Autism who DIED after her first treatment. Even if the cause is heavy metal poisoning (as chelation therapy advocates claim), once the symptoms show up it's too late for that treatment to do any good.

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